Red Flags in the Claims Process

Although to some people a red flag may seem obvious, that is not always the case for everyone, especially during a complicated claims process. More often than not people can be distracted by the large list of things that need to get done after a misfortune occurs, so it can be easy to overlook things that could really impact the management and overall success of your claim. The claims process can be tricky to navigate unless trained in the field and often enough, we hear the same stories where mismanagement of a claim could’ve been prevented.

Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you. Read through our list of common red flags to ensure you are being treated fairly in the claims process and are maximizing the benefits from your settlement.

● Red Flag #1: The insurance company doesn’t respond back to you in a timely manner. By law, you or your public adjuster should hear back from the insurance company within 15 days after the date of receipt of notice of claim.
● Red Flag #2: The insurance company demands that you use their preferred vendors for reconstruction and mitigation. You are not required to use the vendors that are recommended to you by your insurance company. Make sure to thoroughly research before hiring any vendors.
● Red Flag #3: The insurance company is requesting an examination under oath. In this case, the insurer may have a suspicion that there is fraudulent activity in regards to your claim.
● Red Flag #4: The insurance company takes a long time to accept or deny your claim. Any inaction from the insurer on the decisions of if they accept or deny your claim should be addressed immediately.
● Red Flag #5: The insurance company says that you don’t have coverage for items in your claim. Although this is a rare occurrence, sometimes mistakes can happen.

In the claims process, not everything is as cut and dry as we would like it to be. Hiring a public adjuster to manage your claim is the best way for you to ensure that you are being treated fairly throughout the process and that you are receiving a full and honest settlement. When you see red flags in the claims process, don’t hesitate to document it. If any of this has ever happened to you or someone you know, please reach out to one of our licensed professionals for a free claim review.

Call us today to reserve your appointment with Brandon Lewis and our team at Strategic Claim Consultants at (844) 701-9995.

You can only receive what is in your policy. Get a FREE policy review BEFORE a catastrophy.