SCC donates $50K to feed the volunteers and those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.


SCC make donation to Community Cooperative

Brandon Lewis and the team at Strategic Claim Consultants made the donation to Community Cooperative, a non-profit organization in Lee County, Florida, whose mission is to fight hunger and homelessness in Lee county and inspiring positive change through a number of programs. These programs include Sam’s Community Cafe & Kitchen, which provides hot meals to anyone in need, Growing Healthy Kids, which provides emergency food to hungry children, the Healthy School Pantry Program, which is a mobile, on-site school food pantry serving high-need schools, Food Literacy in Pre-school, which provides pre-school children with education on how to make healthy food choices, Meals on Wheels, Mobile Food Pantries, and Social and Education Resource Centers.

For more information on Community Cooperative and their programs, please visit their website here.

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