Millions of Dollars apart? How do we get this claim settled?

Millions of Dollars apart? How do we get this claim settled?

Kyle Herring, Sr. Executive General Adjuster for Strategic Claim Consultants will be speaking on the topic, “Millions of dollars apart? How do we get this claim settled?” at the Windstorm Insurance Network 2024 Conference. The conference is an annual event...
How to deal with a large loss insurance claim

How to deal with a large loss insurance claim

Dealing with a large loss insurance claim can be a complex and overwhelming process. In such situations, hiring a public adjuster can provide valuable assistance and expertise to help you navigate the claim process and maximize your insurance recovery. Here are...
My Insurance Claim Was Denied: Can Strategic Claim Consultants Still Help Me?

My Insurance Claim Was Denied: Can Strategic Claim Consultants Still Help Me?

If your insurance claim was denied, you might think that you’re out of luck and won’t get compensation – or that you’ll have to hire a lawyer for a costly, drawn-out legal battle to get your money.  But that’s not true! Commercial or residential public adjusters in...
Frozen Pipes Can Crack or Burst and Will Cause Extensive Damage

Frozen Pipes Can Crack or Burst and Will Cause Extensive Damage

How can I keep my pipes from freezing? What can I do to stop my pipes from cracking or bursting? Here are a few things you can do to properly prepare for the colder temperatures this winter. During extremely cold weather, it is important to take steps to keep from...